Timeless Masterpieces with Inherent Value
The Allure of Radiant Gold Frames

紀元前から固有の美しさと希少性によって普遍的な価値を持ち続け、人々を魅了してきた<ゴールド=金>。永きに渡り、その輝きや色合い、そして素材の持つ特性によって宝飾品に留まらず、日常的に使用されるアイウェアにも用いられてきました。本記事では、Continuer Inc.が取り扱う18金フレームの魅力に焦点を当て、特集します。
From the ancient world to the present day, gold has captivated people with its unique beauty and rarity, sustaining its universal value across the ages. Revered for its luster, color, and intrinsic qualities, gold has transcended its role as a mere material for jewelry, finding a place in everyday essentials like eyewear. This article shines a spotlight on the allure of 18-karat gold frames, specifically curated by Continuer Inc.

【金の魅力 / The Allure of Gold】
1トンの金鉱石からわずか5~7グラムしか得られない金。この希少な金属はこれまで約14万トンが歴史の中で採掘されてきました。現在、推定埋蔵量は約 7 万トンにすぎず、残された金の鉱脈は採掘困難な場所に多いとされています。このような希少性に加え、世界中で日々取引が行われている金は資産としても普遍的な価値を持ち続けています。
Extracting just 5 to 7 grams of gold from a ton of ore underscores its rarity—a metal of which only about 140,000 tons have been mined throughout history. With an estimated 70,000 tons left in the earth, often in hard-to-reach locations, gold’s scarcity is undeniable. Beyond its rarity, gold remains a universally valued asset, traded daily across the globe.
In recent times, gold has been increasingly recognized for its value as an investment. However, its luminous beauty and unique properties have long contributed to its enduring appeal. As a material, gold enhances products not only in their visual appeal and presence but also in the unrivaled texture it provides. Renowned for its durability and resistance to corrosion, gold remains unchanged in air or water, and its softness and malleability make it ideal for crafting items like necklaces, rings, and eyewear. Today, gold continues to be a material of choice for such items due to its ease of shaping and resistance to heat.
【18金について / About K18 Gold】
以下ではContinuer Inc.がセレクトしている18金を使用した特別なアイウェアの一部をご紹介します。
While pure gold (K24) is celebrated for its high malleability,but because it is soft and easily deformed, gold alloys mixed with metals like silver, copper, and palladium are commonly used today. The karat value, such as K24 or K18, defines the gold content, with K18 being particularly well-suited for eyewear. The hue of gold varies with the ratio of gold to silver and copper, resulting in different properties. “Yellow Gold” and “Rose Gold” not only exude vibrant colors but also possess unique ductility and elasticity, while “White Gold” boasts a platinum-like white luster and superior strength.
Below, we introduce some exceptional eyewear crafted from K18 gold, meticulously selected by Continuer Inc.

MASUNAGA since 1905 GMS-999
【MASUNAGA since 1905|GMS-999】
MASUNAGA, a pioneering force in Japan’s eyewear industry, presents the GMS-999 series—a gold frame collection that pays homage to a frame originally gifted to Emperor Showa during his visit to Fukui Prefecture in September 1933. This collection meticulously replicates the details of that historic piece, with the name “999” symbolizing its near-perfect fidelity to the original, where “1000” denotes the purity of gold. Remarkably, despite modern advancements, the creation of the ultra-thin 0.75mm rim, once deemed impossible to reproduce, has been successfully achieved, faithfully preserving the original design.

mod.ZIPANGU col.18KYG
mod.ZIPANGU col.18KWG
The “ZIPANGU” luxury frame by domestic brand ayame is a masterpiece. This special edition frame features gold across every element, from the nose pads to the screws. The K18 gold adds weight and gravitas, while the delicate rim line, drawn with a soft touch, strikes a perfect balance between classic elegance and neutral sensibility.

mod.A/yg-HEG 46 col.18KYG
mod.A/rg-SQR 47 彫金なし col.18KRG
mod.A/wg-PNT 45 col.14KWG
〈アーチオプティカル〉が提案する日本製の18金 / 14金アイウェア。「オーセンティック」の象徴的な存在である18金を使用した、スマートかつ柔和な印象を持つラグジュアリーフレームは近代眼鏡の中でも多くの方に親しまれてきた3つのシェイプ「ヘキサゴン」、「スクエア」、「パント」を採用。縦幅の浅いそのデザインは、掛けた際にアジアの人の骨格にバランスよく配置され、顔に馴染みやすいモデル。それぞれのカラーによって華やかさや輝きの趣が異なり、掛け手の個性をより上品に演出してくれます。
ARCH OPTICAL presents Japanese-made eyewear crafted from K18 / K14 gold. These luxurious frames, embodying the authenticity of gold, are available in three classic shapes—hexagon, square, and pantos. With a shallow vertical depth, the designs are well-suited to the Asian facial structure, seamlessly blending with the wearer’s features. Each color variation offers a distinct charm and brilliance, subtly enhancing the wearer’s individuality with refined elegance.

mod.YORK col.PG
mod.MORTEN col.RG
mod.MARS col.YG

mod.Spirit 243854 c ol.WG
The Danish brand LINDBERG captivates with its minimalist design featuring screwless hinges. Staying true to the brand’s ethos, these luxury frames are crafted from wire-like materials, stripping away unnecessary ornamentation and joints. Centered around familiar classic lens shapes, they are modernized . Despite the minimalist detailing, the unique brilliance and texture of K18 gold imbue these frames with an elegance distinct from LINDBERG’s lighter, inline models.
*LINDBERG is Available exclusively at CONTINUER NIHOMBASHI

【価格について / About Prices】
上記掲載モデル : ¥407,000 〜 ¥880,000 (Tax Included)
*Please note that prices for gold products may vary.

10 eyevan Ⅲ 47 col.1002G (with K18 end tip) Ⅲ 45 col.1002G (with K18 end tip)
¥141,900 (All Tax Included)
【10 eyevan |K18 End Tips】
パーツに18金を用いたモデルもご紹介します。硬く艶やかな表情を見せる、高品質なセルロイドを使用した【10 eyevan】のセルロイドシリーズ。本モデルはモダンエンドのバランサーとして18KYGのチップを装着し、より上品な風格を漂わせています。シックなブラックにさりげなく映えるイエローゴールドが洒脱なアイウェア。
We also introduce models featuring K18 gold components. The [10 eyevan] celluloid series showcases high-quality, hard, and lustrous celluloid. This model includes 18KYG tips as balancers for the temple ends, adding an extra touch of refined elegance. The subtle contrast of yellow gold against chic black celluloid creates eyewear that is both sophisticated and stylish.

永い間、人々を魅了してきた金はその見た目の美しさに留まらず、素材そのものが持つ特性も大きな魅力の一つ。その特性は巧みに生かされ、アイウェアとして実用性と最上級の質感を兼ね備えた逸品へと昇華されています。Continuer Inc.では上記でご紹介したモデル以外にも多様な18金フレームを取り揃えています。熟練の職人の技術でしか成し得ない、極上の輝きを放つアイウェアはぜひ、Continuer Inc.各店でご覧ください。
Gold has captivated people for centuries, not only for its visual allure but also for the remarkable properties of the material itself. These characteristics have been skillfully harnessed, transforming gold into eyewear that combines practicality with the highest level of luxury. In addition to the models introduced above, Continuer Inc. offers a diverse selection of K18 gold frames. We invite you to experience the unparalleled brilliance of these expertly crafted eyewear pieces at Continuer Inc.