NEAT / ニート
パンツ専業ブランド【NEAT / ニート】。NEATが創るパンツは、クラシックなスタイルをベースにしながらも、シルエットを現代にアップデート。ドレススラックスに勝るとも劣らない仕様を採用しつつ、デザイナー自身が履きたいと思うシルエットが純粋に製作されています。
NEAT makes only trousers. It’s based on classic style but the silhouette is updated for present. It detail seems like classic dress slacks but it’s just feeling that the designer of this brand wants to wear. The fabric is attractive too. Since choosing a high-end import and a military deadstocks, it looks totally original. NEAT released some original patterns until now, “tapered” “wide” “overalls” “beltless” “shorts” “flight”. It attracts fashion freaks because of its beautiful ideas.
We’re carrying part of our stocks on this page. If you looked for any product which isn’t find on our web, please feel free to contact us.
- Continuer Extra Space