Anne et Valentin / アン・バレンタイン
※Anne et Valentin日本総代理店の意向により、正規取扱店ではWEBブランドページ及びSNSでのモデル紹介(サイズ・金額等)を控えております。弊社WEBサイトをご覧いただいているお客様には、大変ご不便をお掛けいたしますが、何卒ご理解のほどよろしくお願いいたします。商品詳細に関しましては、BLOGの特集をご覧いただくか【TEL】または【CONTACT】よりお問い合わせください。
Ann et Valentine founded in Toulouse, France with their concept “Put a face as canvas”. The thought of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine who has deep knowledge of industry product and art has been succeeded to present design team. Their unique design made in their atelier looks like modern art piece. Also, the variety of frames is wide. Combination frames is made of MAZZUCCHELLI’s plastic and stainless, plastic frames and metal frames made of titanium. You may find a favorite frame in their collection.
We’re carrying part of our stocks on this page. If you looked for any product which isn’t find on our web, please feel free to contact us.